Coed Brenin Enduro 2014

Coed Brenin Enduro 2014

Monday, 3 March 2014

Sunny side up.....

Steve went out on his bike yesterday and did a tough (hilly) 30 km loop in the Dales. I'd wanted to go.... but with the wet/claggy forecast and the dream of a lie in after working on Saturday, I wimped out (sorry Steve).

But it kind of worked out well because I'd booked today off work and the forecast was for lots of sun - yay.

I headed up to the Northern Lakes to do a route on the flanks of Skiddaw. I'd not been biking up this way for a few years so was excited on the drive up. It was a great morning with fine views of the snow topped peaks as I headed up the M6 and across to Keswick.

Snow on the tops was inviting
The route heads along the old railway line before going North into the back country at the village of Blencathra. I'd only planned to do a 20km loop, but when I got to the farthest point I carried on to the the remote Skiddaw House YHA/bunkhouse - I didn't want to head back even though I'd forgotten to take food with me!
Cute little nuthatch
Some of the Peaks looked like there was enough snow for a bit of skiing - if only I had my own ski's so I could head out in the Lakes..................hmm...........

nice old signs

its this way then.....
The return was amazing and I found myself grinning like a Cheshire cat as I sped along the winding singletrack that snakes along the steep valley, conscious that I really had too stay sharp as the drop to the left is out of bounds - last year a mountain biker fell off this track and sadly died.

Off into the wilds (well as wild as the Lakes can be!)

Spot the 2x walkers I'd cycled past. Love the colours of the hill side
The final descent back to Keswick is a real blast, unfortunately it always has walkers on it, but between dodging people you can really fly and get some air from the drainage channels (thank you Park Authority for building jumps!). What a great blast on a sunny day, I love living near the Lakes - no offence Derbyshire ;-).

Enjoying the stunning scenery before turning round and heading back

1 comment:

  1. Hi Simon! Good to see you out and about in the Lakes. I know this route fairly well as the Lakeland 100 goes this way. On my timings dawn usually arrives somewhere here, I like the old railway line. After the vicious route the night before from Coniston it's somewhere you can actually start to get a nice rhythm.

    All the best! Mark
