Coed Brenin Enduro 2014

Coed Brenin Enduro 2014

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

A break in the weather (at last)

It was great to finally get reasonable weather and be in Scotland at the same time. I spent a few hours at Glencoe mountain on Friday sliding around in murky weather before meeting Nico at the Nevis Range and having a brilliant ski lesson with Gillian on Saturday.


Gillian put us through our paces made even more fun by randomly bumping into Des and Cath who I skied with  a little last winter.

checking options in the breeze

The back corries haven't lost any of there reputation as we skied along Lemming Ridge leaning into the biting wind blown snow looking for the best (read easiest) entrance.

Nico - the Italian stallion in the back worries

Gillian showing the way

I think the easiest drop in was at Wingers, but once 'in' the terrain was very steep with mostly good cover. Unfortunately not seeing a sudden obstacle saw me taking a fall which really knocked me for six! I would have probably benefited from a brandy to calm my nerves, but instead we skied more until my legs couldn't take any more. A great couple of days in the snow, but how long will it last....

1 comment:

  1. That looks rather good .... except the skiing bit .... Hope you've recovered ok
